Like everything else about bookkeeping and accounting, the accounting cycle is a process that can help you categorize and enter your transactions properly. Using the accounting cycle also helps to ensure that you and your accountant both have a complete and accurate overview of the financial health of your business. Once your transactions have been [...]
Even if you’re a small business, and even if you use cash accounting, it can be beneficial to use the accounting cycle. Once this initial review has been completed, and your transactions have been coded properly, you can move on to the next step in the accounting cycle. The purpose of this step is to [...]
How to Find Your Best Risk Reward Ratio in Forex Trading
The relationship between these tools is crucial for calculating the R/R ratio of each trade, as we’ll explain below. Back in 1968, scholastic researchers, Rosenthal and Jacobsen observed that when higher expectations were placed on students, these students returned greater results. Rosenthal and Jacobsen established the correlation and named their findings after the ancient Greek [...]
Tipos de bases de datos: cuáles hay y por qué es importante elegirlos bien
Continuando con nuestro estudio sobre qué tipos de bases de datos existen, es momento de hablar de las bases de datos relacionales. Se trata de aquellas que almacenan la información relacionada entre sí y que permiten un acceso más directo. Al automatizar estas tediosas tareas, los administradores de bases de datos se quedan libres para [...]
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